Page 2 - Learning Rocks!
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What’s on Your


        List This                Winter?

                Sail along the Miami River

                as you learn about the
                history of this vibrant city.

                Visit the lowest point
                in the Western

                Hemisphere at Death

                Valley National Park.

                Explore art and nature
                at the Huntington
                Library and Botanical

                Gardens in Los Angeles.

           These are just a few ideas to help
           you make new discoveries this

           winter and spring! North America
           holds many classrooms for you,
           and now is the perfect time to start

           planning an educational experience.
           Spend the dreary winter months
           on a sun-soaked adventure, or start
           planning ahead for a spring journey
           throughout North America.

           Learn more at

     2     Call toll free (877) 426-8056
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