Page 7 - Discover the World by Private Plave
P. 7


            What Kind of Physical Activities

            Can You Expect?

            Riding on a camel in Egypt or in a 4x4 over the granite landscape of Wadi
            Rum in southern Jordan requires some fitness. Consider a fitness regimen
            to help you prepare for your adventure. There will be lots of walking,
            occasionally up to five miles a day. Good shoes are key. The terrain can
            be varied, sometimes rough or muddy, with minimal shade in hot, humid
            weather. Consider a walking stick. Historic sites have few handrails and
            as many as 80-100 steps. You may stand up to two hours. In some religious
            centers, shoes, socks and shorts are prohibited. When necessary, scarves
            to cover heads will be provided, as well as gowns for women.

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